卢浮宫遍布着描绘历史上伟大时刻的恢弘巨作 但是真相并不全是我们看到的那样 画布记录了拿破仑的加冕典礼 但是这幅画充满了谎言 jack y day it was your fashion painter of the new uh and power of of the polion so this painting has also a road of a policy could round and we are not on time of facebook are you too so you could cheat easily on history and that\'s what 拿破仑从飞黄腾达之时起 就是维护自己公众形象的大师 1804年12月 从他前往巴黎圣母院加冕的那一刻起....省略之处更精彩...
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